Sunday, July 5, 2009

Surfers for Cetaceans

I don't always talk about photography, sometimes I'll talk about a certain environmental issue, Yeah i know this is a photography blog, but my argument has always been if we don't take care of our world one day we'll find our selves minus the beautiful landscapes and creatures that inspired us to pick up a camera in the first place. Its with that in mind I'd like to post today about Surfers for Cetaceans (also know as S4C)

A community committed to bringing together ocean-minded people everywhere to support the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and marine life. Like they say "We seek to be a human voice for and defender of cetaceans worldwide"

I read about S4C on a little blog I follow (and have been thoroughly enjoying) called the collectic life and felt the need to spread the word! Sure it would be great if you could make a donation to the cause, but more importantly, take 5 to log on and educate yourself like i just did and perhaps sign the visual petition here! Its a photo based petition which allows you to download various images and/or artworks of whales and dolphins to create your visual portrait with and lets face it, you photographers are going to love it!

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