Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think Jen Gotch is Great and so will you...

For all the complaining we do about technology, (it makes our hand writing lazy and our eyes square) you've got to love how it opens doors to artists you'd be non the wiser of with out it.... Sure I know a lot of photographers... I read about them in books, go to their exhibitions, hear about them through friends, but never would I have stumbled across the sheer randomness that is Jen Gotch if it wasn't for the world wide web.

This crazy cat can make your big toe look pretty... not that she's in the habit of shooting big toes - natural light, daily life and random dolls dressed as 50's housewives seem to be more her thing, and who doesn't love a 50's housewife

Click here to alight your senses. 

1 comment:

  1. She's just amazing isn't she? Oh to have such talent.
